I. To submit a paper (after the talk is accepted for presentation at NM&A’18):
1. Go to the webpage of the OCS for NM&A'18: https://ocs.springer.com/ocs/home/NMA2018.
2. Register (Notification e-mail will be sent to you. Confirm using the link you receive.)
3. Login and choose “Submission”.
4. Fill in the fields:
- Title: The title of your paper. Avoid any formulae and math symbols.
- Keywords: Up to four keywords of your paper.
- Sessions: If you have agreed to submit a paper to a Special Session,
choose the correct one.
- Label: Invited (for invited talks) or Default (otherwise).
- Abstract: Paste the Abstract section of your paper. Avoid any formulae
and math symbols. The paper abstract may not be identical to
the talk abstract sent to the Organizers at
nma18@fmi.uni-sofia.bg .
- List of authors: Names, e-mail addresses and affiliations of all authors.
Press the green button for each of them and choose the
contact person.
- Paper document: Attach your paper prepared according to the template as PDF.
Note: You can add/update your paper later on a subsequent login.
- Source archive (ZIP): Leave empty.
- Copyright Form: Leave empty.
5. Press “Submit”.
Deadline for paper submission: June 10, 2018.
II. Processing
1. You will receive a confirmation on your paper submission from ocs-admin@springer.com.
2. You will receive the decision by July 15, 2018, which will be of the kind:
- Acceptance of the paper as such
- Conditional acceptance: you should edit the paper and resubmit,
according to the deadline given with the decision
- Rejection
III. Final Submission
After your paper is accepted you need to upload the following files to the conference service https://ocs.springer.com/ocs/home/NMA2018 :
1. LNCS copyright form (filled, signed and scanned).
To download the LNCS copyright form follow the link:
Here is a template of the "Consent to Publish Form", where the two standard rows are fulfilled. Continue to fulfill with your data and save the resulting file - it is your "Consent to Publish Form".
Do not forget to sign on the last page, please.
2. Source files in LaTeX, figures and tables if any (according to " Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings").
3. Final version of your paper in PDF.
Deadline for the final version submission: September 30, 2018.